AMU / kg of animal
AMU / kg of human
We need
Total human biomass:
Total biomass of animal a:
> library(magrittr)
> library(dplyr)
Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
> vietnam <- readxl::read_excel("AMU_VN_Europe_2.xlsx")
> #vietnam$Species %<>% sapply(sub, pattern = "Pigs", replacement = "Pig")
> #colors <- c('#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6','#6a3d9a','#ffff99')
> colors <- c('#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#FFF933','#808080','#cab2d6','#6a3d9a','#ffff99')
> skylineplot <- function(df) {
+ library(magrittr)
+ df %$%
+ structure(list(breaks = cumsum(c(0, `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)`)),
+ counts = `mg/Kg`,
+ equidist = TRUE),
+ class = "histogram") %>%
+ assign("tmp", ., 1) %>%
+ plot(col = colors, xlab = "cumulative biomass (1,000 tonnes) ", axes = FALSE,
+ ylab = "AMU (mg/kg)", main = NA, xlim = c(0, 20000), ylim = c(0, 500))
+ ats <- seq(0, 15000, 5000)
+ axis(1, ats, sub("000$", ",000", ats))
+ axis(2)
+ legend("topright", legend = df$Species, fill = colors, bty = "n")
+ mids <- tmp$breaks[-length(tmp$breaks)] + diff(tmp$breaks) / 2
+ arrows(mids, df$lower, mids, df$upper, .05, 90, 3)
+ }
> vietnam %>%
+ mutate(amu = `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)` * `mg/Kg`) %>%
+ arrange(desc(amu)) %>%
+ skylineplot()
> new_data <- setNames(read.csv("new_data.txt"),
+ c("Species", "Bodymass (1000s tonnes)", "mg/Kg", "lower", "upper"))
> new_data %>%
+ mutate(amu = `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)` * `mg/Kg`) %>%
+ arrange(desc(amu)) %>%
+ skylineplot()
> new_data2 <- new_data
> new_data2[, 1] <- as.character(new_data2[, 1])
> new_data2[8, 2] <- new_data2[8, 2] + new_data2[10, 2]
> new_data2 <- new_data2[-10, ]
> new_data2[8, 1] <- "Goat and sheep"
> new_data2[7, 2] <- new_data2[7, 2] + new_data2[9, 2]
> new_data2[7, 1] <- "Other avian"
> new_data2 <- new_data2[-9, ]
> new_data2[2, 1] <- "Pig"
> new_data2[4, 3] <- mean(unlist(new_data2[4, 4:5]))
> new_data2[6, 3] <- mean(unlist(new_data2[6, 4:5]))
> new_data2[8, 3] <- mean(unlist(new_data2[8, 4:5]))
> new_data2 %>%
+ mutate(amu = `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)` * `mg/Kg`) %>%
+ arrange(desc(amu)) %>%
+ skylineplot()
> vn <- readxl::read_excel("AMU_VN_Europe.xlsx", "VN summary")
> eu <- readxl::read_excel("AMU_VN_Europe.xlsx", "Europe summary")
> vn %>%
+ mutate(amu = `mg/Kg (unadjusted)` * `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)`,
+ breaks = 100 * `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)` / sum(`Bodymass (1000s tonnes)`)) %>%
+ arrange(desc(amu)) %$%
+ structure(list(breaks = cumsum(c(0, breaks)),
+ counts = `mg/Kg (unadjusted)`,
+ equidist = TRUE),
+ class = "histogram") %>%
+ plot(col = colors, xlab = "proportion of total biomass", axes = T,
+ ylab = "AMU (mg/kg)", main = NA, ylim = c(0, 210))
> eu %>%
+ mutate(amu = `mg/Kg (unadjusted)` * `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)`,
+ breaks = 100 * `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)` / sum(`Bodymass (1000s tonnes)`)) %>%
+ arrange(desc(amu)) %$%
+ structure(list(breaks = cumsum(c(0, breaks)),
+ counts = `mg/Kg (unadjusted)`,
+ equidist = TRUE),
+ class = "histogram") %>%
+ plot(col = colors, xlab = "proportion of total biomass", axes = T,
+ ylab = "AMU (mg/kg)", main = NA, ylim = c(0, 210))
> comparison_plot <- function(x) {
+ x %>%
+ mutate(amu = `mg/Kg (unadjusted)` * `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)`,
+ breaks = 100 * `Bodymass (1000s tonnes)` / sum(`Bodymass (1000s tonnes)`)) %>%
+ arrange(desc(amu)) %$%
+ structure(list(breaks = cumsum(c(0, breaks)),
+ counts = `mg/Kg (unadjusted)`,
+ equidist = TRUE),
+ class = "histogram") %>%
+ plot(col = colors, xlab = "proportion of total biomass", axes = T,
+ ylab = "AMU (mg/kg)", main = NA, ylim = c(0, 300))
+ }
> opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
> comparison_plot(vn)
> mtext("Vietnam", 3, -1)
> text(36.33971, 100, "animals")
> text(86.33971, 100, "humans", col = "white")
> comparison_plot(eu)
> mtext("European Union", 3, -1)
> text(31.83558, 100, "animals")
> text(81.83558, 100, "humans", col = "white")
> par(opar)
> vn2 <- vn
> vn2[1, 2] <- 262.8
> vn2[2, 2] <- 245.6
> vn2[2, 3] <- 11125.5
> opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), plt = c(.11, .97, .135, .98))
> comparison_plot(vn2)
> mtext("Vietnam", 3, -1)
> text(36.33971, 100, "animals")
> text(86.33971, 100, "humans", col = "white")
> comparison_plot(eu)
> mtext("European Union", 3, -1)
> text(31.83558, 100, "animals")
> text(81.83558, 100, "humans", col = "white")
> par(opar)