Required packages

> library(magrittr)
> library(dplyr)
> library(tidyr)
> library(purrr)
> library(readr)

Reading and transforming the data a bit

The trick here is to replace the concentration column by two columns minc and maxc where maxc = amount_anti_mg/kg/week. Whenever there is only 1 antibiotic, minc is equal to amount_anti_mg/kg/week as well but equal to 0 otherwise. Whenever there is no antibiotics at all, both minc and maxc are set to 0. For simplicity, we also replace missing value of anti_name by the character string no_anti:

> (feeds <- read_csv("Feed_Chapter4_data_10Dec.csv") %>%
+   mutate(minc = if_else(option > 0, 0, `amount_anti_mg/kg/week`),
+          maxc = `amount_anti_mg/kg/week`) %>% 
+   mutate_at(vars(minc, maxc), replace_na, 0) %>% 
+   mutate_at(vars(anti_name), replace_na, "no_anti") %>% 
+   group_by(farmid, flockid, weekid, anti_name) %>% 
+   summarise_at(vars(minc, maxc), sum) %>% 
+   ungroup())
# A tibble: 6,767 x 6
   farmid flockid  weekid      anti_name  minc  maxc
   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>       <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>
 1 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_1  enramycin 15.4  15.4 
 2 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_10 no_anti    0     0   
 3 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_11 no_anti    0     0   
 4 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_12 no_anti    0     0   
 5 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_13 no_anti    0     0   
 6 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_14 enramycin  3.46  3.46
 7 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_15 no_anti    0     0   
 8 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_16 no_anti    0     0   
 9 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_17 no_anti    0     0   
10 75-001 75-001_1 75-001_1_18 no_anti    0     0   
# … with 6,757 more rows

Note: option == 1 means there is a label problem.

This being done, it’s now fairly easy to compute, the range of the mean concentration of, for example, colistin:

> feeds %>%
+   filter(anti_name %in% c("colistin", "no_anti")) %>%
+   summarise(minc = mean(minc), maxc = mean(maxc))
# A tibble: 1 x 2
   minc  maxc
  <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.345 0.875

Similarly, the range of the mean concentration of colistin per flock:

> feeds %>% 
+   filter(anti_name %in% c("colistin", "no_anti")) %>% 
+   group_by(flockid) %>% 
+   summarise(minc = mean(minc), maxc = mean(maxc))
# A tibble: 259 x 3
   flockid   minc  maxc
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 75-001_1     0     0
 2 75-001_2     0     0
 3 75-001_3     0     0
 4 75-001_4     0     0
 5 75-001_5     0     0
 6 75-001_6     0     0
 7 75-001_7     0     0
 8 75-002_1     0     0
 9 75-002_2     0     0
10 75-002_3     0     0
# … with 249 more rows

And the range of the mean concentration of colistin per farm:

> feeds %>% 
+   filter(anti_name %in% c("colistin", "no_anti")) %>% 
+   group_by(farmid) %>% 
+   summarise(minc = mean(minc), maxc = mean(maxc))
# A tibble: 113 x 3
   farmid  minc  maxc
   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>
 1 75-001     0     0
 2 75-002     0     0
 3 75-004     0     0
 4 75-005     0     0
 5 75-006     0     0
 6 75-008     0     0
 7 75-009     0     0
 8 75-010     0     0
 9 75-011     0     0
10 75-012     0     0
# … with 103 more rows

Computing the ranges for all antibiotics

This is the list of all antibiotics:

> anti_list <- setdiff(unique(feeds$anti_name), "no_anti")

The following function computes the ranges for all the antibiotics:

> compute_range <- function(x) {
+   anti_list %>% 
+     map_dfr(~ filter(x, anti_name %in% c(.x, "no_anti")) %>%
+                 summarise(minc = mean(minc), maxc = mean(maxc))) %>% 
+     mutate(antibiotic = anti_list) %>% 
+     select(antibiotic, everything())
+ }

Let’s try it for all the weeks pooled together:

> compute_range(feeds)
# A tibble: 8 x 3
  antibiotic         minc   maxc
  <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>
1 enramycin         2.19  2.42  
2 chlortetracycline 6.65  6.72  
3 bacitracin        3.44  5.54  
4 virginiamycin     0.102 0.140 
5 avilamycin        0     0.165 
6 flavomycin        0     0.0763
7 colistin          0.345 0.875 
8 Oxytetracyline    0     0.0879

By flock:

> feeds %>% 
+   group_by(flockid) %>% 
+   group_modify(~ compute_range(.x)) %>% 
+   ungroup()
# A tibble: 2,800 x 4
   flockid  antibiotic         minc  maxc
   <chr>    <chr>             <dbl> <dbl>
 1 75-001_1 enramycin          2.28  2.28
 2 75-001_1 chlortetracycline  0     0   
 3 75-001_1 bacitracin         0     0   
 4 75-001_1 virginiamycin      0     0   
 5 75-001_1 avilamycin         0     0   
 6 75-001_1 flavomycin         0     0   
 7 75-001_1 colistin           0     0   
 8 75-001_1 Oxytetracyline     0     0   
 9 75-001_2 enramycin          2.86  2.86
10 75-001_2 chlortetracycline  0     0   
# … with 2,790 more rows

By farm:

> feeds %>% 
+   group_by(farmid) %>% 
+   group_modify(~ compute_range(.x)) %>% 
+   ungroup()
# A tibble: 1,008 x 4
   farmid antibiotic         minc  maxc
   <chr>  <chr>             <dbl> <dbl>
 1 75-001 enramycin          3.65  3.65
 2 75-001 chlortetracycline  0     0   
 3 75-001 bacitracin         0     0   
 4 75-001 virginiamycin      0     0   
 5 75-001 avilamycin         0     0   
 6 75-001 flavomycin         0     0   
 7 75-001 colistin           0     0   
 8 75-001 Oxytetracyline     0     0   
 9 75-002 enramycin          4.20  4.20
10 75-002 chlortetracycline  0     0   
# … with 998 more rows


If now we are interested in frequencies of usage instead of concentration, it’s basically the same as above, replacing minc and maxc by presence / absence data. For all weeks pooled together:

> feeds %>%
+   mutate_at(vars(minc, maxc), as.logical) %>% 
+   compute_range()
# A tibble: 8 x 3
  antibiotic           minc    maxc
  <chr>               <dbl>   <dbl>
1 enramycin         0.365   0.397  
2 chlortetracycline 0.213   0.215  
3 bacitracin        0.131   0.181  
4 virginiamycin     0.0125  0.0309 
5 avilamycin        0       0.0198 
6 flavomycin        0       0.0198 
7 colistin          0.00587 0.0163 
8 Oxytetracyline    0       0.00265

By flock:

> feeds %>% 
+   mutate_at(vars(minc, maxc), as.logical) %>% 
+   group_by(flockid) %>% 
+   group_modify(~ compute_range(.x)) %>% 
+   ungroup()
# A tibble: 2,800 x 4
   flockid  antibiotic         minc  maxc
   <chr>    <chr>             <dbl> <dbl>
 1 75-001_1 enramycin         0.296 0.296
 2 75-001_1 chlortetracycline 0     0    
 3 75-001_1 bacitracin        0     0    
 4 75-001_1 virginiamycin     0     0    
 5 75-001_1 avilamycin        0     0    
 6 75-001_1 flavomycin        0     0    
 7 75-001_1 colistin          0     0    
 8 75-001_1 Oxytetracyline    0     0    
 9 75-001_2 enramycin         0.375 0.375
10 75-001_2 chlortetracycline 0     0    
# … with 2,790 more rows

By farm:

> feeds %>% 
+   mutate_at(vars(minc, maxc), as.logical) %>% 
+   group_by(farmid) %>% 
+   group_modify(~ compute_range(.x)) %>% 
+   ungroup()
# A tibble: 1,008 x 4
   farmid antibiotic         minc  maxc
   <chr>  <chr>             <dbl> <dbl>
 1 75-001 enramycin         0.531 0.531
 2 75-001 chlortetracycline 0     0    
 3 75-001 bacitracin        0     0    
 4 75-001 virginiamycin     0     0    
 5 75-001 avilamycin        0     0    
 6 75-001 flavomycin        0     0    
 7 75-001 colistin          0     0    
 8 75-001 Oxytetracyline    0     0    
 9 75-002 enramycin         0.699 0.699
10 75-002 chlortetracycline 0     0    
# … with 998 more rows