
We need the following packages:

> library(magrittr)
> library(dplyr)
> library(purrr)
> library(car)
> library(irr)


Let’s load and clean a bit the data:

> data <- "PathogenData130619.csv" %>% 
+   read.csv() %>% 
+   mutate_at(c("Prostration", "Respiratory", "Diarrhea", "CNS", "Joints", "Anemia"), `>`, 0) %>% 
+   mutate_at(vars(ends_with("FINAL")), `>`, 0) %>% 
+   mutate_at(vars(ends_with("y.n")), `>`, 0)

Colinearities, confounding and summary table

A key issue in multivariate analyses is when the \(x\) variables are not independent (or colinear), which may cause confounding effects in your analysis, meaning that some effect that you detect between \(y\) and \(x\) may not reflect a true direct association between \(y\) and \(x\) but instead reflects the fact that both \(x\) and \(y\) are associated to a third variable. In such conditions, we thus need to find a way to correct for these potential confounding effects due to colinearities. One powerful option is the so-called Type-II partial tests (see here for example). The car R package has the function Anova() that computes Type-II partial tests for many classical models, including the logistic regression that you want to use here. The function below uses the car::Anova() function to compute significativity tests and summarises the results a multivariate logistic regression in a table that contains estimates of Odds Ratio, their confidence interval and their level of significativity, corrected for the potential confounding effect due to the other \(x\) variables.

> make_table <- function(model) {
+   out <- cbind(exp(cbind(coef(model), confint(model))),
+                rbind(rep(NA, 2),
+   names(out)[1] <- "Estimate"
+   out
+ }

Let’s try it on a simple multivariate analysis:

> model1 <- glm(AVI.FINAL ~ Prostration + Respiratory + Diarrhea + CNS + Joints + Anemia, binomial, data)

The results of which are:

> make_table(model1)
                  Estimate      2.5 %     97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)      1.2488700 0.15312261  11.046709        NA NA         NA
ProstrationTRUE  1.5208240 0.23618089   9.189364 0.2136974  1 0.64388471
RespiratoryTRUE  2.3575087 0.77284144   7.624603 2.2610415  1 0.13266482
DiarrheaTRUE     0.5262251 0.13421906   1.815648 1.0067839  1 0.31567456
CNSTRUE          0.3249811 0.01456772   3.119398 0.9135985  1 0.33916142
JointsTRUE      10.8473401 0.89229708 481.335267 3.4441172  1 0.06347732
AnemiaTRUE       0.2786208 0.04534223   1.427960 2.3477664  1 0.12546266

New model

New data

> data2 <- "summary data.csv" %>% 
+   read.csv() %>% 
+   mutate_at(symptoms, `>`, 0) %>% 
+   mutate_at(vars(contains("FINAL")), `>`, 0) %>%
+   mutate(Helminth.Y.N = Helminth.Y.N == "Yes") %>% 
+   mutate_at(vars(ends_with("y.n")), `>`, 0)

Some models without symptoms and parasites

> xs <- grep("FINAL", names(data2), value = TRUE) %>% 
+   grep("ND", ., invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) %>% 
+   grep("FLU", ., invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

No log transformation:

> ys <- c("Age.weeks.", "Nochicks", "Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.", "Cumulative.mortality", "Days.onset", "Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight")
> for(i in seq_along(xs)) {
+   print(xs[i])
+   print(make_table(glm(formula(paste(xs[i], "~", paste(ys, collapse = " + "))), binomial, data2)))
+   cat("------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ }
                                     Estimate       2.5 %      97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                        0.09353626 0.009008902   0.7289286        NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                         1.14222238 0.965397640   1.3900559 2.3560553  1 0.12479740
Nochicks                           0.99869123 0.995459142   1.0018569 0.6824186  1 0.40875513
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.  1.01542817 0.996397679   1.0387976 2.4624774  1 0.11659475
Cumulative.mortality               0.97814090 0.944617433   1.0120932 1.6620578  1 0.19732571
Days.onset                         1.08994848 0.960297726   1.2733353 1.7178665  1 0.18996791
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   11.26239977 1.191242668 159.6980687 4.5036166  1 0.03382324
                                   Estimate        2.5 %     97.5 %   LR Chisq Df  Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       0.0164595 0.0003619115  0.3027945         NA NA          NA
Age.weeks.                        1.3365713 1.0758749441  1.7659714 7.18162939  1 0.007365379
Nochicks                          1.0010213 0.9967414177  1.0049971 0.25259937  1 0.615250702
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 0.9934367 0.9612179666  1.0183568 0.23826018  1 0.625465535
Cumulative.mortality              0.9867229 0.9393800547  1.0309735 0.37328004  1 0.541221774
Days.onset                        1.0236007 0.8266677913  1.2129008 0.06079338  1 0.805246334
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   0.5956785 0.0177460076 13.3039236 0.10259247  1 0.748740472
[1] "PM.FINAL"
                                    Estimate       2.5 %     97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       0.03908796 0.001349326  0.6710339         NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        1.03725612 0.853917299  1.2492349 0.14850112  1  0.6999719
Nochicks                          0.99900495 0.993253204  1.0033144 0.17407185  1  0.6765181
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 1.01202435 0.988564575  1.0348289 1.07592053  1  0.2996120
Cumulative.mortality              0.99771773 0.963326042  1.0309021 0.01898317  1  0.8904147
Days.onset                        1.05627098 0.910958656  1.2087609 0.59632437  1  0.4399839
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   1.79933545 0.090416639 28.7008598 0.16784316  1  0.6820358
[1] "MG.FINAL"
                                   Estimate      2.5 %     97.5 %    LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       0.1252043 0.01225616  0.9994243          NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        0.9493176 0.79914351  1.1088613 0.416855628  1 0.51851021
Nochicks                          0.9999054 0.99651458  1.0029878 0.003475069  1 0.95299216
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 1.0016419 0.98238687  1.0195275 0.031101003  1 0.86001524
Cumulative.mortality              0.9867647 0.94925803  1.0186220 0.641488276  1 0.42317238
Days.onset                        1.1197513 0.99577811  1.2694929 3.573497789  1 0.05870853
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   3.8816576 0.46045814 34.5800902 1.577558088  1 0.20911278
                                   Estimate      2.5 %    97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       0.1778530 0.01351153  1.925582        NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        0.8923384 0.72225324  1.069206 1.4696310  1 0.22540393
Nochicks                          0.9984436 0.99373220  1.002179 0.6033084  1 0.43731852
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 1.0124532 0.99254143  1.032471 1.5405933  1 0.21452951
Cumulative.mortality              0.9726907 0.92277551  1.010061 1.9443140  1 0.16320089
Days.onset                        1.1740497 1.03156028  1.362828 5.9442404  1 0.01476545
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   1.9744702 0.16118449 24.161553 0.2992893  1 0.58432833
                                   Estimate     2.5 %     97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       1.4399699 0.1306758 18.4749269        NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        0.7725407 0.5841349  0.9579286 5.7732678  1 0.01627175
Nochicks                          0.9983919 0.9939146  1.0020641 0.6725745  1 0.41215545
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 0.9919529 0.9672883  1.0129162 0.5274428  1 0.46768394
Cumulative.mortality              1.0132389 0.9768595  1.0528852 0.5206829  1 0.47055053
Days.onset                        0.9273814 0.7713640  1.0655837 1.0504854  1 0.30539532
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   5.7431558 0.6108693 68.2060184 2.3235402  1 0.12742972
                                    Estimate       2.5 %     97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       0.04336807 0.002024215  0.5304076         NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        0.98971495 0.811501693  1.1944866 0.01179437  1 0.91351827
Nochicks                          1.00367184 0.999729149  1.0082036 3.34271415  1 0.06750318
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 0.98926513 0.948772821  1.0168628 0.49864102  1 0.48009786
Cumulative.mortality              1.03832686 0.998888135  1.0945711 3.61093167  1 0.05740095
Days.onset                        1.08131392 0.938192230  1.2478652 1.23102903  1 0.26720701
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   0.48784173 0.012612862 10.8812840 0.18936849  1 0.66344274

With log transformations:

> yslog <- ys %>%
+   paste0("log(", ., ")") %>%
+   sub("mortality)$", "mortality + 1)", .)
> for(i in seq_along(xs)) {
+   print(xs[i])
+   print(make_table(glm(formula(paste(xs[i], "~", paste(yslog, collapse = " + "))), binomial, data2)))
+   cat("------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ }
                                        Estimate       2.5 %      97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            1.9284890 0.003116089 1289.376738        NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                        1.4351054 0.469079993    4.293742 0.4176757  1 0.51809911
log(Nochicks)                          0.7495341 0.301756314    1.848732 0.4020105  1 0.52605277
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.) 1.4205595 0.758363412    2.846441 1.1782876  1 0.27770488
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          0.7445997 0.369519028    1.452037 0.7471793  1 0.38737076
log(Days.onset)                        2.3197520 0.968050486    6.347708 3.5491500  1 0.05957596
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   5.4568571 1.440263023   26.632274 6.4256321  1 0.01124849
                                           Estimate        2.5 %      97.5 %    LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            3.135521e-05 6.898546e-10   0.1695293          NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                        1.327212e+01 1.638895e+00 267.5473711 6.412729069  1 0.01133051
log(Nochicks)                          1.661085e+00 5.084828e-01   5.9705851 0.714199946  1 0.39805305
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.) 9.189103e-01 3.394429e-01   2.1502325 0.035826922  1 0.84987336
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          7.237723e-01 2.583806e-01   1.9388523 0.429253154  1 0.51235564
log(Days.onset)                        2.012840e+00 5.208625e-01   8.4893476 1.048924164  1 0.30575499
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   9.404006e-01 1.116162e-01   9.3680561 0.003110314  1 0.95552488
[1] "PM.FINAL"
                                         Estimate        2.5 %     97.5 %    LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            0.02976893 4.935109e-06 126.121042          NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                        0.88096511 2.669308e-01   3.212609 0.042607269  1  0.8364665
log(Nochicks)                          0.94655747 2.621943e-01   3.118049 0.008062208  1  0.9284543
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.) 1.43697386 5.163350e-01   3.894767 0.529505145  1  0.4668150
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          1.26812422 5.451815e-01   3.238755 0.300489099  1  0.5835760
log(Days.onset)                        1.45067241 4.995670e-01   4.251517 0.489763932  1  0.4840326
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   1.60213434 2.398702e-01  11.999663 0.238307762  1  0.6254310
[1] "MG.FINAL"
                                        Estimate       2.5 %     97.5 %    LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            0.4370582 0.001026811 197.592561          NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                        0.7087752 0.248948634   1.970010 0.448742520  1 0.50293272
log(Nochicks)                          0.9755818 0.406495751   2.302499 0.003226307  1 0.95470404
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.) 1.0855335 0.523758508   2.148003 0.053955568  1 0.81631792
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          0.7665611 0.363821989   1.589068 0.523227671  1 0.46946809
log(Days.onset)                        2.5052455 1.046990759   6.561692 4.263227373  1 0.03894586
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   3.0112580 0.773783125  13.816849 2.499173507  1 0.11390606
                                        Estimate       2.5 %       97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            6.3466317 0.007218555 10443.262392        NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                        0.4071975 0.119140739     1.215581 2.5885909  1  0.1076361
log(Nochicks)                          0.5954578 0.204889655     1.543470 1.1112493  1  0.2918105
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.) 1.1607908 0.497242961     2.527194 0.1335782  1  0.7147506
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          0.7139014 0.301001356     1.629489 0.6543525  1  0.4185608
log(Days.onset)                        3.0786196 1.169389339     9.206282 5.2257148  1  0.0222553
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   1.9542339 0.464575036     9.644875 0.8175182  1  0.3659068
                                         Estimate      2.5 %       97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            35.5874217 0.03561008 89035.490671        NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                         0.3416962 0.09300820     1.038387 3.5774809  1  0.0585679
log(Nochicks)                           0.7577228 0.26087088     2.041535 0.2955498  1  0.5866858
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.)  0.6803916 0.26476210     1.467316 0.9014951  1  0.3423811
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)           1.6364912 0.76102558     4.070261 1.5341526  1  0.2154903
log(Days.onset)                         0.6626054 0.24259687     1.642874 0.7709627  1  0.3799194
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)    3.2700809 0.79678367    16.617458 2.6663109  1  0.1024933
                                           Estimate        2.5 %     97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            3.319336e-05 3.342783e-10  0.4434172         NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                        8.495481e-01 1.732033e-01  4.1100106 0.04363109  1 0.83454147
log(Nochicks)                          3.257588e+00 8.865816e-01 14.8501740 3.15113894  1 0.07587399
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.) 5.266733e-01 1.050242e-01  1.6813442 1.04484734  1 0.30669678
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          3.785138e+00 1.266587e+00 18.9830950 6.02218005  1 0.01412719
log(Days.onset)                        2.388314e+00 8.098860e-01  8.1846470 2.47493765  1 0.11567403
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   1.331136e+00 1.508840e-01 13.0208456 0.06720893  1 0.79544479

With some log transformations:

> sel <- c(1, 3, 6)
> for(i in seq_along(xs)) {
+   print(xs[i])
+   print(make_table(glm(formula(paste(xs[i], "~", paste(c(ys[sel], yslog[-sel]), collapse = " + "))), binomial, data2)))
+   cat("------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ }
                                    Estimate       2.5 %     97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                        0.3401150 0.001302839  74.365874        NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                         1.0962229 0.922052209   1.330798 1.0501358  1 0.30547582
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.  1.0152745 0.995792129   1.038033 2.3131881  1 0.12828070
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   11.6564475 1.256790247 161.251404 4.7212159  1 0.02979267
log(Nochicks)                      0.7098479 0.289986747   1.693498 0.6041792  1 0.43698791
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)      0.7409912 0.384316132   1.377891 0.8916256  1 0.34503717
log(Days.onset)                    2.3316119 0.945744057   6.587530 3.3626772  1 0.06668957
                                      Estimate        2.5 %     97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       0.0009240876 2.961755e-07  0.7824741         NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        1.3038823246 1.052157e+00  1.7069869 6.05023280  1 0.01390446
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 0.9968997681 9.644614e-01  1.0240576 0.04606026  1 0.83006630
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   0.6587002747 1.836905e-02 16.0707029 0.06369533  1 0.80074787
log(Nochicks)                     1.6929520006 5.535978e-01  5.9786800 0.83723094  1 0.36018992
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)     0.6790696188 2.461037e-01  1.7295120 0.66128655  1 0.41610611
log(Days.onset)                   1.9125604885 4.835042e-01  8.0018894 0.88525407  1 0.34676666
[1] "PM.FINAL"
                                    Estimate        2.5 %    97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       0.03046102 1.595212e-05 46.976969         NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        1.01943928 8.440372e-01  1.225730 0.04351242  1  0.8347634
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 1.00639990 9.800362e-01  1.030904 0.25263765  1  0.6152239
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   1.55464837 6.666658e-02 28.411672 0.08595979  1  0.7693777
log(Nochicks)                     0.92285770 2.604838e-01  3.016660 0.01762979  1  0.8943696
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)     1.39672557 6.441711e-01  3.245537 0.71157309  1  0.3989221
log(Days.onset)                   1.35204250 4.483298e-01  4.001655 0.30788959  1  0.5789781
[1] "MG.FINAL"
                                    Estimate        2.5 %    97.5 %     LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       0.08083852 0.0003531159 14.925407           NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        0.92674765 0.7782185994  1.079803 0.9189974058  1 0.33773836
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 1.00340282 0.9828395262  1.022995 0.1135953202  1 0.73608746
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   4.39811073 0.5063255885 41.191047 1.8206494077  1 0.17723600
log(Nochicks)                     0.99209252 0.4209431288  2.318538 0.0003430408  1 0.98522294
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)     0.78766506 0.3984317235  1.503068 0.5232599041  1 0.46945440
log(Days.onset)                   2.58236942 1.0687256705  6.821526 4.4513981568  1 0.03487268
                                   Estimate       2.5 %     97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       1.3736898 0.003398763 747.015958        NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        0.8558313 0.683345048   1.026347 2.7566491  1 0.09685091
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 1.0168535 0.995176740   1.039571 2.3399236  1 0.12609574
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   2.1568992 0.173178719  27.773219 0.3728521  1 0.54145372
log(Nochicks)                     0.6118139 0.212603121   1.600091 0.9856755  1 0.32080162
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)     0.6040278 0.269024417   1.231478 1.8947107  1 0.16867156
log(Days.onset)                   3.2762073 1.214849202  10.119808 5.5508155  1 0.01847208
                                   Estimate       2.5 %      97.5 %  LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       1.2372023 0.002039708 991.4462400        NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        0.7863401 0.604195171   0.9657326 5.4449864  1 0.01962457
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 0.9831013 0.955291309   1.0063963 1.9477985  1 0.16282428
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   6.4381086 0.647554145  78.7075143 2.5197088  1 0.11243135
log(Nochicks)                     0.8301716 0.286059004   2.2946467 0.1284443  1 0.72005053
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)     1.8099744 0.886889118   4.0932420 2.6271908  1 0.10504743
log(Days.onset)                   0.6756262 0.241348627   1.7203697 0.6604686  1 0.41639457
                                      Estimate        2.5 %      97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                       3.396303e-06 7.247073e-11  0.01246413         NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                        1.011677e+00 8.245801e-01  1.24212806 0.01320726  1 0.90850626
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100. 9.728916e-01 9.279340e-01  1.00677629 2.32101416  1 0.12763679
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight   1.180487e+00 2.554752e-02 42.59415404 0.00821109  1 0.92779846
log(Nochicks)                     3.627341e+00 9.935278e-01 17.34175451 3.80135707  1 0.05121106
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)     4.357144e+00 1.537088e+00 18.50349011 8.53356045  1 0.00348657
log(Days.onset)                   2.102290e+00 6.728473e-01  7.60977932 1.62741044  1 0.20206160

Same models with symptoms and parasites

> additional_variables <- c(grep("y.n", names(data2), TRUE, value = TRUE), symptoms)

No log transformation:

> for(i in seq_along(xs)) {
+   print(xs[i])
+   print(make_table(glm(formula(paste(xs[i], "~", paste(c(ys, additional_variables), collapse = " + "))), binomial, data2)))
+   cat("------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ }
                                          Estimate        2.5 %       97.5 %    LR Chisq Df   Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           4.039669e-07 3.128297e-16 1.240000e-02          NA NA           NA
Age.weeks.                            1.033060e+00 6.988975e-01 1.824014e+00  0.02388638  1 0.8771743688
Nochicks                              9.919837e-01 9.801577e-01 9.994875e-01  4.44692618  1 0.0349641267
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.     1.126487e+00 1.036214e+00 1.361758e+00 12.28304550  1 0.0004570918
Cumulative.mortality                  9.141046e-01 7.690414e-01 1.001551e+00  3.70191058  1 0.0543502000
Days.onset                            1.047728e+00 8.081557e-01 1.415648e+00  0.13038312  1 0.7180351379
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight       2.970473e+07 2.732856e+02 8.741070e+17 13.79231902  1 0.0002041692
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                      1.037271e+03 2.287899e+00 6.271744e+07          NA  0           NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                               NA           NA           NA          NA  0           NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                      2.923578e+00 5.217553e-02 3.193042e+02  0.27755979  1 0.5983050971
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                 3.782043e+00 7.331542e-02 2.851639e+02  0.45212994  1 0.5013252124
DIARRHOEATRUE                         2.558351e-01 3.457049e-03 6.358315e+00  0.68566013  1 0.4076444658
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE               8.613997e-03 3.571640e-06 2.302838e+00  2.77724570  1 0.0956124682
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                               NA           NA           NA          NA  0           NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                     4.494685e+03 8.662511e+00 1.462754e+08  8.17684314  1 0.0042428535
ANAEMIATRUE                           2.970274e-03 1.465770e-06 1.364895e-01 11.39845359  1 0.0007350527
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE 3.774317e+00 1.160400e-01 4.141462e+02  0.51036710  1 0.4749799846
                                           Estimate         2.5 %        97.5 %     LR Chisq Df   Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           1.625435e-130  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA NA           NA
Age.weeks.                             5.320547e+03 4.114688e-288 3.152803e+300 5.040698e-07  1 9.994335e-01
Nochicks                               1.130341e+00  7.623670e-04  3.661972e+02 4.410262e-09  1 9.999470e-01
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      3.421933e-01  8.446436e-49  1.386339e+47 2.084005e-09  1 9.999636e-01
Cumulative.mortality                   6.109283e-01 8.055470e-181 3.129544e+205 2.528378e-11  1 9.999960e-01
Days.onset                             1.178891e+01            NA           Inf 6.468994e-10  1 9.999797e-01
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight        3.898562e+54  0.000000e+00           Inf 5.736289e-09  1 9.999396e-01
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                       1.583760e+46  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA  0           NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0           NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       1.802777e+53  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.693480e+01  1 3.868578e-05
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  1.105819e-21  0.000000e+00           Inf 4.700313e-09  1 9.999453e-01
DIARRHOEATRUE                          2.762779e+23  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.178477e-09  1 9.999726e-01
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                2.174042e+16  0.000000e+00           Inf 8.061494e-10  1 9.999773e-01
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0           NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      8.253705e-55  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.767591e-08  1 9.998673e-01
ANAEMIATRUE                            1.056726e-12  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.266992e-09  1 9.999716e-01
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  2.039146e-25  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.802258e-09  1 9.999661e-01
[1] "PM.FINAL"
                                           Estimate         2.5 %        97.5 %     LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           9.923189e-168  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                             6.607929e+00 4.498550e-177 1.814440e+169 2.673633e-09  1  0.9999587
Nochicks                               1.086010e+00  5.628162e-05  2.095564e+04 1.326372e-09  1  0.9999709
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      8.065996e-01  1.695065e-36  7.732183e+36 2.627707e-10  1  0.9999871
Cumulative.mortality                   2.467126e+01  2.564010e-59  1.058666e+60 1.092623e-08  1  0.9999166
Days.onset                             4.442451e+01 8.395834e-253 3.302709e+268 1.242122e-09  1  0.9999719
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight        1.221925e+81  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.522619e-08  1  0.9999015
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                       8.671254e+59  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       2.401085e+23  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.810906e-09  1  0.9999660
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  2.781158e-29  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.914102e-09  1  0.9999651
DIARRHOEATRUE                          9.836563e-03  0.000000e+00           Inf 8.034196e-11  1  0.9999928
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                1.687020e-56  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.652914e-09  1  0.9999589
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      8.104629e+25  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.529144e-09  1  0.9999688
ANAEMIATRUE                            1.550992e+38  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.810419e-09  1  0.9999661
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  3.583699e+24  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.664674e-09  1  0.9999674
[1] "MG.FINAL"
                                          Estimate        2.5 %       97.5 %    LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           1.888314e-03 3.404690e-06 1.940715e-01          NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                            9.721703e-01 7.480517e-01 1.237310e+00 0.053483382  1 0.81710913
Nochicks                              9.981974e-01 9.905227e-01 1.003725e+00 0.365013287  1 0.54573508
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.     1.002132e+00 9.712236e-01 1.031150e+00 0.021301448  1 0.88396074
Cumulative.mortality                  1.019355e+00 9.544817e-01 1.116369e+00 0.299352031  1 0.58428892
Days.onset                            1.200300e+00 9.685246e-01 1.597268e+00 2.725572488  1 0.09875271
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight       1.103712e+02 2.008975e+00 2.645836e+04 5.464259754  1 0.01940927
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                      8.494896e+00 6.978746e-01 1.941670e+02          NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                               NA           NA           NA          NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                      1.376307e+01 6.004057e-01 8.258134e+02 2.637539533  1 0.10436506
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                 1.290849e-01 7.485860e-03 1.256500e+00 3.081966071  1 0.07916478
DIARRHOEATRUE                         2.383644e-01 1.097137e-02 2.839753e+00 1.227579308  1 0.26787832
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE               9.598985e+00 4.099096e-01 5.523078e+02 1.953085340  1 0.16225476
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                               NA           NA           NA          NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                     2.833294e-02 1.607370e-05 2.714013e+00 2.079911529  1 0.14924883
ANAEMIATRUE                           1.077252e+00 7.903962e-02 1.243463e+01 0.003659219  1 0.95176420
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE 4.989366e+00 3.068115e-01 1.870241e+02 1.200296568  1 0.27326241
                                        Estimate        2.5 %       97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            0.0710628 0.0005646338     5.877820         NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                             0.7310948 0.4346224752     1.003760 3.73308080  1 0.05334492
Nochicks                               0.9963575 0.9872543560     1.002883 1.08550792  1 0.29746866
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      1.0195833 0.9878246120     1.058036 1.45523464  1 0.22768986
Cumulative.mortality                   1.0206723 0.9575222841     1.090620 0.43817572  1 0.50800427
Days.onset                             1.1026934 0.9107401869     1.379860 0.98529626  1 0.32089473
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight       33.7076196 0.4997741274 15873.646148 2.58124941  1 0.10813628
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                      29.9369413 1.0912670071  5384.998760         NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                             NA           NA           NA         NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       0.2002272 0.0043694826     4.129129 1.05512380  1 0.30432997
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  0.6093941 0.0669072447     5.887348 0.20033150  1 0.65445340
DIARRHOEATRUE                          0.1375755 0.0057629183     1.592890 2.49383907  1 0.11429263
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                0.4800680 0.0060655346    17.509299 0.15082041  1 0.69775257
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                             NA           NA           NA         NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      2.9857967 0.0353577233   150.092975 0.29075105  1 0.58973964
ANAEMIATRUE                            0.7908532 0.0371210525    11.637698 0.03000079  1 0.86248843
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  0.4399400 0.0315823788     5.349117 0.44217490  1 0.50607459
                                           Estimate         2.5 %        97.5 %      LR Chisq Df    Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            4.120385e+05  0.000000e+00           Inf            NA NA            NA
Age.weeks.                             6.143604e-05 1.265046e-214 2.983598e+205  1.128384e-08  1  9.999152e-01
Nochicks                               9.591767e-01  7.135065e-05  1.101753e+04  7.637476e-09  1  9.999303e-01
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      3.086932e-01  4.424096e-20  4.469780e+18  2.914240e-07  1  9.995693e-01
Cumulative.mortality                   1.085896e+00  5.232158e-25  5.781571e+24 -1.966249e-11  1  1.000000e+00
Days.onset                             1.672533e-01  1.980648e-67  2.703879e+66  2.183635e-09  1  9.999627e-01
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight       5.617125e+139  0.000000e+00           Inf  2.387502e+01  1  1.027970e-06
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                       7.938232e-23  0.000000e+00           Inf            NA  0            NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA            NA            NA            NA  0            NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       2.395780e+88  0.000000e+00           Inf  7.208731e+02  1 8.645946e-159
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                 1.331989e-103  0.000000e+00           Inf  2.705296e+01  1  1.979564e-07
DIARRHOEATRUE                          7.702072e+45  0.000000e+00           Inf  1.623779e+01  1  5.586851e-05
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                1.557265e+02  0.000000e+00           Inf  1.717551e-10  1  9.999895e-01
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA            NA            NA            NA  0            NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                     1.529012e-114  0.000000e+00           Inf  1.802973e+01  1  2.174822e-05
ANAEMIATRUE                            2.915837e-96  0.000000e+00           Inf  1.275374e-08  1  9.999099e-01
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  2.033973e-70  0.000000e+00           Inf  2.459655e+01  1  7.067803e-07
                                           Estimate         2.5 %        97.5 %     LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           9.666934e-198  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                             6.662051e+01  0.000000e+00           Inf 7.508194e-10  1  0.9999781
Nochicks                               9.661426e-01  5.994301e-25  2.301805e+26 1.588050e-10  1  0.9999899
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      3.398474e+00  4.971350e-63  1.413184e+61 1.840331e-09  1  0.9999658
Cumulative.mortality                   4.079699e+01 1.859456e-127 2.666030e+125 4.969708e-09  1  0.9999438
Days.onset                             1.797681e+03  0.000000e+00           Inf 8.314898e-09  1  0.9999272
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight        9.722440e+41  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.145289e-09  1  0.9999630
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                       1.022036e+90  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       5.403999e+25  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.958140e-10  1  0.9999863
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  9.941915e-62  0.000000e+00           Inf 9.758504e-09  1  0.9999212
DIARRHOEATRUE                          4.750115e-36  0.000000e+00           Inf 5.077068e-10  1  0.9999820
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                7.830613e+50  0.000000e+00           Inf 7.125305e-10  1  0.9999787
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      4.560612e+16  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.842576e-08  1  0.9998917
ANAEMIATRUE                            7.615857e-83  0.000000e+00           Inf 4.382740e-09  1  0.9999472
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  7.984368e+59  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.052064e-09  1  0.9999741

With log transformations:

> for(i in seq_along(xs)) {
+   print(xs[i])
+   print(make_table(glm(formula(paste(xs[i], "~", paste(c(yslog, additional_variables), collapse = " + "))), binomial, data2)))
+   cat("------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ }
                                           Estimate        2.5 %       97.5 %     LR Chisq Df  Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                             64.49847827 0.0003940010 3.657984e+07           NA NA          NA
log(Age.weeks.)                          0.88422669 0.0732060263 1.164603e+01  0.009725893  1 0.921440034
log(Nochicks)                            0.46633020 0.0620365450 2.424038e+00  0.822929777  1 0.364324958
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.)   4.51361133 1.0965423919 3.733171e+01  4.432829294  1 0.035254023
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)            0.41966283 0.0766954450 1.670340e+00  1.500167581  1 0.220645579
log(Days.onset)                          1.63178572 0.2723922846 1.076056e+01  0.303393451  1 0.581762811
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   285.74151150 4.5443122936 2.439552e+05 10.487504176  1 0.001201846
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                         8.49023099 0.3547238891 4.131553e+02           NA  0          NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA           NA           NA           NA  0          NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                         1.87026134 0.1024428419 4.626630e+01  0.186277356  1 0.666033172
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                    2.09040545 0.0914525784 4.160350e+01  0.252109331  1 0.615593733
DIARRHOEATRUE                            1.07273964 0.1363046167 9.936955e+00  0.004503317  1 0.946496716
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                  0.20000034 0.0024646601 2.063766e+01  0.546960706  1 0.459562214
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA           NA           NA           NA  0          NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      197.74481520 1.7129758632 2.064682e+05  4.891215956  1 0.026993668
ANAEMIATRUE                              0.01524197 0.0002023898 2.735405e-01  9.086797417  1 0.002574613
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE    0.43398464 0.0336341045 4.341371e+00  0.516401853  1 0.472380598
                                            Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %     LR Chisq Df   Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            8.845264e-106     0    Inf           NA NA           NA
log(Age.weeks.)                         4.551564e+21     0    Inf 5.009913e-09  1 0.9999435251
log(Nochicks)                           2.106486e+09     0    Inf 1.357447e-09  1 0.9999706031
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.)  5.772900e-08     0    Inf 5.134302e-10  1 0.9999819207
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)           5.518630e+04     0    Inf 2.321459e-10  1 0.9999878432
log(Days.onset)                         3.808867e+02     0    Inf 1.537570e-11  1 0.9999968713
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)    6.044493e+29     0    Inf 1.038860e-09  1 0.9999742831
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                        2.586044e+30     0    Inf           NA  0           NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                 NA    NA     NA           NA  0           NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                        1.123665e+40     0    Inf 1.385852e+01  1 0.0001971008
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                   3.378211e-14     0    Inf 9.738255e-10  1 0.9999751011
DIARRHOEATRUE                           1.477234e+03     0    Inf 2.766587e-11  1 0.9999958033
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                 2.172039e-03     0     NA 4.070078e-12  1 0.9999983903
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                 NA    NA     NA           NA  0           NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                       9.070839e-36     0    Inf 3.534432e-09  1 0.9999525649
ANAEMIATRUE                             1.124907e-03     0    Inf 5.014167e-11  1 0.9999943501
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE   9.503567e-10    NA    Inf 5.455569e-10  1 0.9999813637
[1] "PM.FINAL"
                                            Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %      LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            2.613042e-192     0    Inf            NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                         6.556608e-07     0    Inf  1.869439e-09  1  0.9999655
log(Nochicks)                           1.152557e+26     0    Inf  2.956523e-09  1  0.9999566
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.)  1.673973e-12     0    Inf  6.373972e-10  1  0.9999799
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)           1.396608e+27     0    Inf  2.193937e-08  1  0.9998818
log(Days.onset)                         4.784508e-13     0    Inf  1.167819e-09  1  0.9999727
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)    6.000337e+37     0    Inf  1.268733e-09  1  0.9999716
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                        3.209246e+83     0    Inf            NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                 NA    NA     NA            NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                        7.553018e+32     0    Inf  2.846954e-09  1  0.9999574
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                   1.807871e-17     0    Inf  1.213372e-10  1  0.9999912
DIARRHOEATRUE                           6.573565e-05     0    Inf  1.438920e-10  1  0.9999904
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                 9.753372e-53     0    Inf  3.436835e-09  1  0.9999532
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                 NA    NA     NA            NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                       6.820814e+00     0    Inf  1.866285e-11  1  0.9999966
ANAEMIATRUE                             1.104123e+31     0    Inf  9.215832e-09  1  0.9999234
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE   6.014953e+03     0    Inf -2.925216e-12  1  1.0000000
[1] "MG.FINAL"
                                          Estimate        2.5 %      97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                             0.76013376 1.561904e-04 4334.647510         NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                         0.75590290 1.524846e-01    3.454126 0.13740994  1 0.71086959
log(Nochicks)                           0.74337039 1.713128e-01    2.834837 0.18999092  1 0.66292418
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.)  0.87865578 2.290775e-01    3.146860 0.04019424  1 0.84110129
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)           1.13276110 2.660379e-01    4.992460 0.02983515  1 0.86286481
log(Days.onset)                         3.03330544 5.063390e-01   34.070376 1.36348190  1 0.24293495
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   20.29930035 1.426144e+00  825.165402 5.14317131  1 0.02333798
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                        7.05744797 5.364810e-01  174.961358         NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                               NA           NA          NA         NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                        9.93070871 5.712847e-01  423.793674 2.42948459  1 0.11907204
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                   0.12666039 6.184824e-03    1.390915 2.82263839  1 0.09294351
DIARRHOEATRUE                           0.44814397 3.613284e-02    4.063418 0.50219338  1 0.47853795
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                 6.66165905 3.253087e-01  317.860467 1.46222294  1 0.22657676
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                               NA           NA          NA         NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                       0.02835584 2.312421e-05    2.932190 2.05777370  1 0.15143127
ANAEMIATRUE                             1.16751195 1.040067e-01   11.622743 0.01797715  1 0.89334020
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE   4.02663352 3.445161e-01  114.164684 1.12598047  1 0.28863434
                                          Estimate      2.5 %       97.5 %    LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            534.1707520 0.02038027 2.220974e+08          NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                          0.2068258 0.01663157 1.024965e+00 3.708337283  1  0.0541413
log(Nochicks)                            0.3978720 0.06388785 1.751408e+00 1.461598419  1  0.2266760
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.)   1.0453350 0.30472498 3.175179e+00 0.006037670  1  0.9380647
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)            1.1828856 0.29879892 4.574002e+00 0.065181776  1  0.7984858
log(Days.onset)                          1.5484169 0.35300271 7.742913e+00 0.340705998  1  0.5594220
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)     4.6642940 0.60950276 7.830065e+01 2.115543342  1  0.1458103
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                         7.2174144 0.61314247 1.835754e+02          NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                               NA         NA           NA          NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                         0.2364520 0.00923309 3.429474e+00 1.085650985  1  0.2974368
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                    0.6828441 0.07388745 6.957657e+00 0.114732775  1  0.7348190
DIARRHOEATRUE                            0.3114043 0.02601365 2.390851e+00 1.229555221  1  0.2674936
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                  0.8650429 0.01834439 2.321531e+01 0.007556482  1  0.9307287
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                               NA         NA           NA          NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                        1.3855673 0.01966095 5.500671e+01 0.029046051  1  0.8646728
ANAEMIATRUE                              0.7215721 0.05668536 7.131092e+00 0.077360236  1  0.7809071
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE    0.4052208 0.04208564 3.584976e+00 0.693614451  1  0.4049377
                                            Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %     LR Chisq Df   Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                                      Inf     0    Inf           NA NA           NA
log(Age.weeks.)                         8.857942e-42     0    Inf 1.416408e-08  1 9.999050e-01
log(Nochicks)                           3.385759e-14     0    Inf 6.454343e-08  1 9.997973e-01
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.)  4.137498e-27     0    Inf 1.065041e-07  1 9.997396e-01
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)           1.362195e-05     0    Inf 3.302771e-10  1 9.999855e-01
log(Days.onset)                         7.571979e-09     0    Inf 6.169043e-09  1 9.999373e-01
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)   3.210328e+164     0    Inf 2.648104e+01  1 2.661377e-07
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                        8.458762e-42     0    Inf           NA  0           NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                 NA    NA     NA           NA  0           NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       1.396332e+158     0    Inf 4.325238e+02  1 4.587521e-96
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  2.683382e-186     0    Inf 2.551632e+01  1 4.386575e-07
DIARRHOEATRUE                           4.121315e+62     0    Inf 1.653831e+01  1 4.767712e-05
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                 4.074419e+11     0    Inf 3.047241e-09  1 9.999560e-01
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                 NA    NA     NA           NA  0           NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      1.989178e-143     0    Inf 1.378809e+01  1 2.046293e-04
ANAEMIATRUE                            2.041693e-186     0    Inf 1.102493e-07  1 9.997351e-01
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  6.141244e-102     0    Inf 2.146307e+01  1 3.607097e-06
                                            Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 %     LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            1.032591e-181     0    Inf           NA NA         NA
log(Age.weeks.)                         5.088892e-08     0    Inf 2.817582e-10  1  0.9999866
log(Nochicks)                           1.731853e+12     0    Inf 5.328018e-10  1  0.9999816
log(Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.)  1.296314e+08     0    Inf 4.959666e-09  1  0.9999438
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)           4.164011e+22     0    Inf 2.328188e-09  1  0.9999615
log(Days.onset)                         1.692531e+20     0    Inf 6.309822e-09  1  0.9999366
log(Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight)    6.013016e+24     0    Inf 1.181996e-09  1  0.9999726
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                        7.129848e+38     0    Inf           NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                 NA    NA     NA           NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                        1.352272e-32     0    Inf 3.298668e-10  1  0.9999855
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                   2.459315e-18     0    Inf 7.281842e-10  1  0.9999785
DIARRHOEATRUE                           2.729847e-18     0    Inf 3.464380e-10  1  0.9999851
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                 1.898251e+25     0    Inf 3.070175e-10  1  0.9999860
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                 NA    NA     NA           NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                       9.069479e-04     0    Inf 4.572005e-10  1  0.9999829
ANAEMIATRUE                             5.047674e-55     0    Inf 4.358777e-09  1  0.9999473
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE   3.046477e-02     0    Inf 2.136934e-09  1  0.9999631

With some log transformations:

> sel <- c(1, 3, 6)
> for(i in seq_along(xs)) {
+   print(xs[i])
+   print(make_table(glm(formula(paste(xs[i], "~", paste(c(ys[sel], yslog[-sel], additional_variables), collapse = " + "))), binomial, data2)))
+   cat("------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ }
                                          Estimate        2.5 %       97.5 %    LR Chisq Df   Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           2.354353e-02 3.829504e-08 1.015430e+03          NA NA           NA
Age.weeks.                            1.060136e+00 7.711264e-01 1.577791e+00  0.12567638  1 0.7229577296
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.     1.102408e+00 1.028889e+00 1.274521e+00 10.67013902  1 0.0010887893
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight       1.052066e+07 1.251858e+02 2.191656e+17 12.55459237  1 0.0003952338
log(Nochicks)                         1.314016e-01 2.704017e-03 1.238656e+00  3.01991684  1 0.0822476835
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)         3.061200e-01 3.993897e-02 1.295956e+00  2.49881928  1 0.1139316860
log(Days.onset)                       2.292386e+00 2.986653e-01 2.713462e+01  0.63400800  1 0.4258889530
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                      4.120533e+02 1.391553e+00 2.738877e+07          NA  0           NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                               NA           NA           NA          NA  0           NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                      2.879480e+00 8.830685e-02 2.808980e+02  0.33656095  1 0.5618210645
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                 7.429863e-01 6.511000e-03 3.536827e+01  0.02067881  1 0.8856573989
DIARRHOEATRUE                         7.871736e-01 2.776392e-02 1.689506e+01  0.02684947  1 0.8698428777
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE               1.371051e-02 4.593389e-06 3.597524e+00  2.28985306  1 0.1302222511
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                               NA           NA           NA          NA  0           NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                     6.804240e+03 8.252056e+00 8.158705e+08  7.80878535  1 0.0051992840
ANAEMIATRUE                           3.133004e-03 1.946369e-06 1.417010e-01 11.37122915  1 0.0007459050
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE 2.186428e+00 8.474283e-02 1.828084e+02  0.20019067  1 0.6545669886
                                           Estimate 2.5 %        97.5 %     LR Chisq Df   Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           3.776685e-103     0           Inf           NA NA           NA
Age.weeks.                             7.096303e+03     0           Inf 8.387562e-09  1 0.9999269268
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      1.188130e+00    NA 9.820896e+186 4.749756e-11  1 0.9999945011
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight        3.632195e+34     0           Inf 6.347318e-10  1 0.9999798982
log(Nochicks)                          1.039521e+06     0           Inf 1.076919e-09  1 0.9999738163
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          3.798195e-13     0           Inf 5.094010e-10  1 0.9999819918
log(Days.onset)                        4.706614e+08    NA           Inf 7.389112e-11  1 0.9999931414
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                       2.216769e+19     0           Inf           NA  0           NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA    NA            NA           NA  0           NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       2.877071e+44     0           Inf 1.469929e+01  1 0.0001260937
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  1.319561e-29    NA           Inf 4.717138e-09  1 0.9999452002
DIARRHOEATRUE                          5.960870e+02     0           Inf 9.925394e-11  1 0.9999920510
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                3.332596e+20     0           Inf 4.643779e-10  1 0.9999828060
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA    NA            NA           NA  0           NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      1.129372e-32     0           Inf 2.571924e-09  1 0.9999595360
ANAEMIATRUE                            1.068927e-27     0           Inf 2.627591e-10  1 0.9999870664
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  6.467126e-05     0           Inf 1.360601e-10  1 0.9999906931
[1] "PM.FINAL"
                                           Estimate         2.5 %        97.5 %     LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           3.835050e-251  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                             2.658377e-01 2.220289e-262 1.976043e+251 3.210698e-10  1  0.9999857
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      4.871756e-01 7.631128e-110 4.526131e+104 1.087772e-09  1  0.9999737
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight        6.745215e+53  0.000000e+00           Inf 3.964913e-09  1  0.9999498
log(Nochicks)                          3.210488e+22  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.917191e-09  1  0.9999651
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          1.469715e+25  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.313912e-08  1  0.9999085
log(Days.onset)                        1.240454e-12  0.000000e+00           Inf 5.050906e-10  1  0.9999821
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                       1.437932e+74  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       4.232523e+36  0.000000e+00           Inf 4.086970e-09  1  0.9999490
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  2.678016e-07  0.000000e+00           Inf 5.473666e-11  1  0.9999941
DIARRHOEATRUE                          3.353105e-08  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.142198e-11  1  0.9999963
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                2.005463e-49  0.000000e+00           Inf 3.190836e-09  1  0.9999549
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      2.773955e-08  0.000000e+00           Inf 7.815704e-11  1  0.9999929
ANAEMIATRUE                            3.931628e+34  0.000000e+00           Inf 6.942778e-09  1  0.9999335
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  7.355702e+02  0.000000e+00           Inf 6.133760e-12  1  0.9999980
[1] "MG.FINAL"
                                          Estimate        2.5 %       97.5 %   LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           1.749025e-03 1.019402e-07     8.449584         NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                            9.444862e-01 7.226840e-01     1.194739 0.22839472  1 0.63271668
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.     1.014626e+00 9.805975e-01     1.052003 0.73731133  1 0.39052352
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight       1.147992e+02 1.740870e+00 57285.209703 5.08256191  1 0.02416763
log(Nochicks)                         8.163815e-01 1.960235e-01     3.051974 0.09415411  1 0.75896104
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)         7.639400e-01 2.061321e-01     2.598142 0.19017139  1 0.66277401
log(Days.onset)                       4.823463e+00 7.266514e-01    64.520006 2.56336067  1 0.10936588
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                      6.204470e+00 5.496617e-01   116.700117         NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                               NA           NA           NA         NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                      1.169797e+01 5.254886e-01   833.232845 2.33143784  1 0.12678472
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                 9.458703e-02 3.482179e-03     1.167916 3.35179614  1 0.06713173
DIARRHOEATRUE                         2.357754e-01 1.044306e-02     2.713836 1.26693216  1 0.26034299
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE               1.273618e+01 5.828248e-01   731.352358 2.56207319  1 0.10945496
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                               NA           NA           NA         NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                     2.935882e-02 1.721125e-05     3.212085 1.91538397  1 0.16636642
ANAEMIATRUE                           1.304030e+00 1.151561e-01    12.447430 0.05339846  1 0.81725183
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE 7.191569e+00 4.031946e-01   442.027513 1.63285001  1 0.20130931
                                        Estimate        2.5 %       97.5 %     LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            6.8702271 0.0002679733 7.175393e+05           NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                             0.7039792 0.4191540826 9.825689e-01 4.3510203751  1 0.03698678
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      1.0312653 0.9977751943 1.075590e+00 3.3286513780  1 0.06808268
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight       30.0249316 0.3854392975 1.156585e+04 2.2354235002  1 0.13487966
log(Nochicks)                          0.3849146 0.0523087738 1.906209e+00 1.3541512526  1 0.24455370
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          0.7108609 0.1683472277 2.393150e+00 0.2942077105  1 0.58753666
log(Days.onset)                        1.9169209 0.3958206009 1.123301e+01 0.6600000233  1 0.41655994
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                      25.9797193 1.0279677247 3.349539e+03           NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                             NA           NA           NA           NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       0.1705528 0.0040644289 3.042557e+00 1.3862310601  1 0.23904262
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  0.3669792 0.0312000070 4.230606e+00 0.6919696714  1 0.40549523
DIARRHOEATRUE                          0.1991193 0.0097276777 2.124882e+00 1.7296126753  1 0.18846037
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                0.7516794 0.0059542206 3.346740e+01 0.0207234319  1 0.88553493
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                             NA           NA           NA           NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      2.7475493 0.0235171292 2.470669e+02 0.2107007543  1 0.64621871
ANAEMIATRUE                            0.9674701 0.0689884644 1.116484e+01 0.0007256858  1 0.97850874
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  0.5909126 0.0508477817 7.048174e+00 0.1906020583  1 0.66241600
                                           Estimate         2.5 %        97.5 %     LR Chisq Df   Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                            5.012423e+28  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA NA           NA
Age.weeks.                             8.762438e-06 1.072523e-264 7.758836e+258 1.769892e-08  1 9.998939e-01
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      2.392902e-01  2.020601e-24  1.976095e+23 7.151383e-08  1 9.997866e-01
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight       9.271375e+162  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.303838e+01  1 1.587993e-06
log(Nochicks)                          3.301427e-05  0.000000e+00           Inf 3.045618e-09  1 9.999560e-01
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          9.443703e+00  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.196363e-10  1 9.999882e-01
log(Days.onset)                        5.691377e-08  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.622774e-09  1 9.999679e-01
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                       1.029271e-24  0.000000e+00           Inf           NA  0           NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0           NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                      2.039573e+106  0.000000e+00           Inf 5.177852e-08  1 9.998184e-01
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                 7.092675e-120  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.498670e+01  1 5.772718e-07
DIARRHOEATRUE                          5.630361e+52  0.000000e+00           Inf 1.595424e+01  1 6.489227e-05
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                2.612124e+03  0.000000e+00           Inf 4.575238e-10  1 9.999829e-01
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA            NA            NA           NA  0           NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                     2.551396e-132  0.000000e+00           Inf 4.514931e-07  1 9.994639e-01
ANAEMIATRUE                           2.090099e-109  0.000000e+00           Inf 9.171905e-09  1 9.999236e-01
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  2.938439e-80  0.000000e+00           Inf 2.210738e+01  1 2.578170e-06
                                           Estimate        2.5 %       97.5 %     LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept)                           7.372734e-226 0.000000e+00          Inf           NA NA         NA
Age.weeks.                             8.684346e-01 0.000000e+00          Inf 2.218998e-10  1  0.9999881
Proportion.of.morbidity..per.100.      1.796725e+00 1.274884e-50 4.314867e+48 8.869727e-10  1  0.9999762
Ratio.of.weight.standard.weight        6.475344e+39 0.000000e+00          Inf 9.078991e-10  1  0.9999760
log(Nochicks)                          2.684610e+09 0.000000e+00          Inf 2.804743e-10  1  0.9999866
log(Cumulative.mortality + 1)          2.402869e+27 0.000000e+00          Inf 6.944137e-09  1  0.9999335
log(Days.onset)                        1.816518e+18 0.000000e+00          Inf 3.061058e-09  1  0.9999559
Helminth.Y.NTRUE                       4.268023e+54 0.000000e+00          Inf           NA  0         NA
Nematodes.y.nTRUE                                NA           NA           NA           NA  0         NA
Cestodes.Y.NTRUE                       5.589092e-16 0.000000e+00          Inf 2.477507e-10  1  0.9999874
RESPIRATORY.SIGNSTRUE                  3.746167e-29 0.000000e+00           NA 9.768950e-10  1  0.9999751
DIARRHOEATRUE                          4.288378e-22 0.000000e+00          Inf 8.810144e-10  1  0.9999763
JOINT.FOOT.PROBLEMSTRUE                8.845324e+33 0.000000e+00          Inf 9.318603e-09  1  0.9999230
ABNORMAL.EGGSTRUE                                NA           NA           NA           NA  0         NA
NERVOUS.SIGNSTRUE                      1.229151e+06 0.000000e+00          Inf 2.826206e-10  1  0.9999866
ANAEMIATRUE                            9.052763e-50 0.000000e+00          Inf 2.944696e-09  1  0.9999567
REDUCTION.IN.FEED.CONSUMPTION....TRUE  4.591750e+09 0.000000e+00          Inf 3.109153e-10  1  0.9999859