
AMU is expressed either qualitative as presence (TRUE) / absence (FALSE) variables (here), or as g / kg of chicken (here). These CSV files are are generated by this code. The first data set can be downloaded as so:

# install.packages("readr")
viparc_qualitative <- readr::read_csv("",
                                      col_types = paste(c("cii", rep("l", 52), "il"), collapse = ""))

It contains 5391 weeks of observation (rows) and 57 variables (columns). The variables are

The second data set can be downloaded as so:

# install.packages("readr")
viparc_quantitative <- readr::read_csv("",
                                       col_types = paste(c("cii", rep("l", 6), rep("d", 45), "lildd"), collapse = ""))

It contains 5391 weeks of observation (rows) and 59 variables (columns). The variables are